Welcome to our fifth installment of Ask Lobdell where YOU get to ask Scott Lobdell questions about Red Hood And The Outlaws.
This week, Mike asks:
The ending of Red Hood 9 was somewhat ambiguous, did Jason pull the
trigger and kill Xiao Loong, the Talon? When writing the piece, was
did you feel was going through the Talon's mind that made him break
away, and say "No mas!" to the Court of Owls?
Scott Answers
Well, as you know, I wasn't there... but I can tell you that in the previous issue we actually saw Jason pull the trigger. So...
I don't know what Xiao's thinking was, but I got the impression he might have felt any obligations he had to the Court of Owls were fulfilled "in life" -- and that perhaps this second chance at life was an opportunity to take his fate into his own hands. But you know, those Talons are notoriously non-forthcoming, so that is just a guess on my part.
Well, as you know, I wasn't there... but I can tell you that in the previous issue we actually saw Jason pull the trigger. So...
I don't know what Xiao's thinking was, but I got the impression he might have felt any obligations he had to the Court of Owls were fulfilled "in life" -- and that perhaps this second chance at life was an opportunity to take his fate into his own hands. But you know, those Talons are notoriously non-forthcoming, so that is just a guess on my part.
Remember Hoodies, you get to ask Scott a question in our weekly polling over at the Red Hood & The Outlaws Facebook page, so like us and keep an eye out for the invitation to submit next week's questions.
Mike DePalo
Hoodie Admin
@RedHoodOutlaws on Twitter